© Dennis Dieckman & cuemaker.com 2016 All Right Reserved
PO Box 944 Buena Vista, VA.  24416 USA
There is a very, very long story that goes with this cue.  The butt is a two point butterfly made from purpleheart and hard maple with four shafts.  The is a cue designed specifically for 3 cushion billiards.  It was  probably around the year 2000 or so for the gentleman whose name appears on it.  He never used it as he felt guilty about never paying me for it and eventually got in touch with me to beg my forgiveness which i gave him and he then sent me back the cue, in virtually pristine condition, in 2015. $2250 will get you this beauty.  I hits like a rock, pure conic taper.
This cue was made for a US Champion 3-C billiard player. My habibi from Detroit, Mazin Snooni, aka  “THE AMAZIN’ MAZIN”.  Check out the date it was made. Note the disappearing butterfly. This cue has been around the block six times at least and is now back in my hands and for sale. Would like to get $2000 but will accept any reasonable offer.  Collector’s item for sure
None of these cues have shafts but that can be arranged.  All have ½ x 10 wood female wood thread joints. These were the last butts i finished off and never got around to making the shafts, but as i say, that can be arranged by talking to one of my former apprentices by the name of David Barenbrugge.  Prices range from $2500 to $7500 and would include three shafts cut from my stock which now is over 20 years old by Mr. Barenbrugge.
This is a very special cue as it incorporates the VIET NAM SERVICE MEDAL in the joint/rear ring work. Comes with three custom fitted ½” x 10 TPI shafts from 25 + year old maple, slightly oversize to my personal taper. The circular inlay at the rear is a fresh picked bud of “la mota” immersed in a cast acrylic plastic. I intended to make a number of these but one day i woke up, went down to the shop to play and discovered it was work, and just like that decided to stop building cues.  I WAS DONE WITH IT. This is one of the last butts i finished off and signed, note it is 001:   $1600 is the price.
This cue i call the Jason-Shooter Cue but that is a long story.  The fanciest cue I have ever built. Also one of the only black-white ones the black being ebony and the white the wood of the holly tree NOT IVORY $10,000